Welcome to Burwash Manor Farm. We hope that this website will give you an idea of what our farm is like, and hopefully it will encourage you to pay us a visit.

Burwash Manor Farm is a working organic farm - a 400 acre, mixed arable and livestock farm - and we also have an HLS scheme in place, which means that DEFRA thinks we are farming using the best methods of conservation possible.

We have signposted walks around the farm, which anyone can turn up and do at anytime; we also organise educational visits. During the year we host regular events that are aimed at teaching everyone about the traditional ways of the countryside, such as Open Farm Sunday and Apple Day.

We have cereal variety trial plots on the farm, where both new and established varieties are grown for yield testing purposes. In addition, we regularly have students conducting research on the farm as part of their under/post graduate studies.

You'll also find plenty of other things to do at Burwash Manor. We've converted some of our old farm buildings to 15 shops, a day spa and a tea room - if you'd like to know more about them please visit www.burwashmanor.com.

Straw is generally used as animal bedding and hay is used to provide feed all year round.

October 8th - APPLE DAY!
We are hosting our fabulous annual countryside celebration ... with the apple at its core!

website by www.mackandme.com