Our farm is a small
farm - about 400 acres.
We grow wheat, barley, oats, triticale,
asparagus and sweet corn. Plus grass for hay and
for silage to feed our cattle in winter.
We have pigs, sheep, cattle and chickens.
We have 5 tractors.
Manor has been owned by the Radford family for over
100 years. We (Michael and Susan) are the fourth generation
of Radford's and our children will be the fifth.
Matthew, our eldest son, has recently started working
on the farm, learning the ropes.
We employ seasonal workers; such as when we pick crops
like asparagus, or during harvest; but mostly it's just
Michael and Matthew. We work pretty hard!
It's very important to us that
the farm is family run, as it has been for the
past 100 years.
More than just a farm
When we inherited the farm it was
clear that we needed to do more than just farm. Therefore
the diversification process at Burwash Manor started
in the 1980s with a farm shop; now a delicatessen, The
Larder, this remains the hub of the shops complex;
farm produce still forms a significant part of the Larder's
turnover, particularly seasonal produce such as asparagus
and sweet corn.
The success of the farm shop was the inspiration for
establishing the two courtyards of shops as they are
now. We are hoping to add a third courtyard of shops
in the near future.