The meadow
to your left, known as Buttercup, contains a moated
site (clearly visible by the differences in grass growth).
This site has been partially, but inconclusively, excavated.
Some opinions suggest that it may have been the early,
Iron Age, site for the village whereas others suggest
that it was the site of the original, probably Saxon,
Manor House.The sensitive grassland management which
protects this archaeological feature is assisted through
our Environmental Stewardship agreement with Natural
The old filled-in moat provides a very ecologically
useful boggy necklace around the meadow.
Dead, Dying, Hollow and Staghead
We always try to retain such trees
on the farm, as the habitat they provide is almost richer
than when they were in their prime. Woodpeckers feed
on the insects living in the dead wood, bats roost in
one of the hollow Ash trees and a pair of Sparrow Hawks
is nesting in the other. Many species of Raptors (birds
of prey), Corvids (crow family) and Bats use such trees
for nesting/roosting.
Riches in Ditches
Next to you is one of the few 'wet'
ditches on the farm (i.e. a ditch which remains wet
for most of the year) and, as such, is home to many
interesting creatures and insects. Amphibians (Frogs,
Toads and Newts) breed here and the ditch insect life
provides food for Bats and other small mammals, birds,
amphibians and other insects.
Ditches provide the watery links around the landscape
between other more substantial bodies of water.
There is nothing dull about ditch water!
Species Rich Meadows
We manage a number of meadows, of
which this is one, that contain a mix of lots of different
types of grasses as well as herbs and wildflowers.
This is why such a meadow is usually teeming with wildlife,
particularly butterflies and other insects, and the
small mammals and birds which feed on them and who are
in turn fed on by species higher up the food chain -
the Raptors, Mustelids (Badgers, Weasels etc.) and Foxes.
All of which are regularly seen hunting here.
A female Grass Snake is raising her family beneath the
large White Willow at the edge of the meadow.
We take particular care of our meadows - not cutting
them before mid-July to allow plants to set seed and
ground nesting birds to fledge their young - and only
lightly grazing the 'aftermath' (grass re-growth) in
the autumn.
Meadows provide fantastic, sweet,
hay which calves, sheep and horses relish. When the
grass and other plants in a meadow have reached a certain
stage of growth - usually late June or July - we mow
it down, toss it and turn it frequently (called 'tedding')
to dry it out and then, when it is dry, bale it up (squeeze
it into small rectangular packages tied up with string)
and stack it in a barn for winter feed for our stock.
The whole process takes about a week - given fair weather!
